Welome to Frodsham Townfield Allotments

We offer Plots to rent for vegetable growing and keeping chickens etc - along the same lines as a traditional allotment

Full Plots are 14m by 8.2m (115 sq m) and Half Plots are 14m by 4.1m (57.4 sq m)

Use the plot enquiry form page to enquire about a plot and arrange to see the site. A half plot is an ideal starter size especially if you're squeezed for time by work and family commitments. A full plot is still a manageable size for a starting into allotments. Some have expanded by adding extra half or full plots as they get more ambitious.

The plots are easily accessible in the field at the top of Langdale Way on the junction with Town-field Lane, Frodsham WA6 7LX and are available to all. Grow Your Own is for everyone these days - forget the old image of allotments ! These days its often a family event. There are nearly 50 plotholders of all ages from families with young children to pensioners.

Frodsham Townfield Allotments are let by the land owners 'Atlantic Hardware' who own the field. AFTA (The Association of Frodsham Townfield Allotments) handles the letting of the plots and much of the maintenance of the site on their behalf. There are more details of the Association’s role below. Read more...